//import javautil
public class Array{
public static void main(String args[]){
int myArray[]={1,2,3,4,5};
for (int i=0;i<5;i++){

library (basic java beginer)


public class Book {
    String bookName,author;
    int bookId,noOfCopies;
    public String getBookName() {
        return bookName;
    public void setBookName(String bookName) {
        this.bookName = bookName;
    public String getAuthor() {
        return author;
    public void setAuthor(String author) {
        this.author = author;
    public int getBookId() {
        return bookId;
    public void setBookId(int bookId) {
        this.bookId = bookId;
    public int getNoOfCopies() {
        return noOfCopies;
    public void setNoOfCopies(int noOfCopies) {
        this.noOfCopies = noOfCopies;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Library {
    public static void main(String args[])
        LibraryImpl l1= new LibraryImpl();
        int ch=0;

            System.out.println("1.Add Books");
            System.out.println("2.Add Student");
            System.out.println("3.issue books");
            System.out.println("4.return books");
            System.out.println("5.search book");
            System.out.println("Enter ur choice");
            Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                    System.out.println("wrong choice");


        }while((ch>0) && (ch<6));
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class LibraryImpl
    ArrayList<Book> bookList=new ArrayList<Book>();
    ArrayList<Student> stuList=new ArrayList<Student>();

    int[] arr=new int[5];
    public void addbooks()
        Book b1=new Book();
        System.out.println("Enter the name of the book");
        Scanner s1=new Scanner(System.in);
        String name=s1.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Enter book id");
        int id=s1.nextInt();
        System.out.println("enter author");
        String author=s1.next();
        System.out.println("enter no of copies");
        int copies=s1.nextInt();


    public void addstudent()
        Student s1=new Student();
        System.out.println("Enter the name ");
        Scanner sc1=new Scanner(System.in);
        String name=sc1.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Enter student id");
        int id=sc1.nextInt();
        System.out.println("enter no of copies");
        int copies=sc1.nextInt();


    public void issuebooks()

        System.out.println("Enter book id");    
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
        int id=sc.nextInt();
        for(Book b:bookList)
                if(b.getNoOfCopies()== 0)
                    System.out.println("Book not available");

    public void checkStud(Book obj)
        System.out.println("Enter student id");     
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
        int sid=sc.nextInt();
        for(Student stud:stuList)
                    System.out.println("Book Issued");
                    System.out.println("Only 5 books can be issued");

    public void returnbooks()

        System.out.println("Enter book id");    
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
        int id=sc.nextInt();
        for(Book b:bookList)
    public void callStud()
        System.out.println("Enter student id");     
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
        int sid=sc.nextInt();
        for(Student stud:stuList)

                    System.out.println("Book Returned");

                    System.out.println("Invalid user");

    public void searchbooks()
        System.out.println("Enter the name of the book");
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
        String name=sc.next();
        for(Book b:bookList)
                System.out.println("The details are:"+b.getBookName()+" "+b.getAuthor()+" "+b.getNoOfCopies());


public class Student
    String sname;
    int sid,noc;
    public String getSname() {
        return sname;
    public void setSname(String sname) {
        this.sname = sname;
    public int getSid() {
        return sid;
    public void setSid(int sid) {
        this.sid = sid;
    public int getNoc() {
        return noc;
    public void setNoc(int noc) {
        this.noc = noc;


Object Basics and Simple Data Objects



An array is the collection of similar type of elements. In java when the array variable is created its length i.e. the number of elements in the array is fixed. As an example the portion args[] in main method you use is an array, but here it is not of fixed length since it is an argument (more on this later). However, if you want to have the record say name of the students of your class, then you could declare like this:
String students = new String[30]; here we are defining the array named students of length 30 i.e. we can store up to 30 students name. To access an element in array we use the index (subscript) value of the particular array and remember in Java the index starts with 0. So In the above example if you want to access the name of 1st and 7th students, the array uses the indices as students[0], and students[6] respectively.
Example Piece of Code:
String myArray[] = {hello, iello, jello, kello};
for(int i=0; i<4;i++)
The above code prints all the names in the new lines. Other details are discussed later.
Variable Declaration for Arrays
We declare variable by providing its type and its name. as
type[] varname;  or  type varname [];            See the example below:
int intArray [];   //this is the declaration of array of integer no size is given.
Alternatively we can declare the above array as
int [] intArray;  //this form is encouraged.
We can declare any type of array i.e. it may be the array of objects like
String [] srtingArray;
Or it may be array of primitive type as previously shown.
You must always specify the number of elements in an array for this purpose either we can create the array just by declaration or initialize it as discussed in next section.
Initializing Arrays and Accessing Arrays
To create an array we do the following:
double [] arrayDouble = new double[10]         // array of double with 10 elements.
double [] arrayDouble;
arrayDouble =  new double[10];
when an array is created we can initialize it after the creation or within the declaration itself we can initialize it as shown below:
int [] myArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
This is initialization at the declaration time and at this situation the size of the array is 5. Remember all the elements are enclosed within the braces.
We could have done like this:
int [] myArray = new int[5];
myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;
myArray[2] = 3;
myArray[3] = 4;
myArray[4] = 5;
Note: the index of the element in array enclosed within brackets starts from 0.
Example Piece of Code (Initializing and Accessing Arrays):
char [] charArray = {‘a’, ’e’, ’i’, ‘o’ ‘u’};
for(int i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++)
The above code prints all the vowels in lower case line by line.
Copying Arrays
To copy the array we can take advantage of the method defined in the System class called arraycopy with the signature:
public static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length)
Here src is source array, srcPos is position from where we are copying, dest is destination array, destPos is position at the destination array to start copying and length is the number of element to be copied.
Example Piece of Code:
        int [] sourceArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };
        int [] destArray = new int[5];
        System.arraycopy(sourceArray, 3, destArray, 0, 5);
        for(int i = 0; i < destArray.length; i++)
See the output it will be 45678
One-Dimensional Arrays
All the discussions on an array above were described using single dimensional array i.e. the elements are serially accessed and there is only one row. However, we can create and use array with more than one dimension. This aspect is discussed in next section.
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Multidimensional arrays are arrays of arrays. The declaration, creation and initialization schemes are similar to the one dimensional arrays but with subtle differences that can be easily seen from below explanations. You can extend all the details as of above ones.
int array2D [][] = new int [6][7]     //creation of array of dimension 6 by 7.
char charArray2D[2][3] = {‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’};
Or equivalently,
char charArray2D[][] = {{‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}, {‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’}};
to access the array we use the same subscript form but there is slight difference in that the two dimensional array starts from inner subscripts to outer one.
Example Piece of Code:
char charArray2D[][] = {{‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}, {‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’}};
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)   //for inner subscripts
            for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)   //for outer subscripts
The output will be like
When multidimensional array is created it is not necessary to define memory for all dimensions. The definition for the first (leftmost) dimension is sufficient. See below:
String str2D [][] = new String[3][];
str2D[0] = new String[2];      //the memory for the remaining dimension may differ. But str2D[1] = new String[4];             // in normal practice it is generally same
str2D[2] = new String[4];
If we just sit around the corner and think about the entities in the real world we notice that every entity (whether we can identify it or not vary) has its state and behavior. For e.g. let’s think about and object, say student. If we consider some of the states of the student, then they many be name, address, grade, sex, etc. And we can think of the behaviors can be represented to answer what is the sex?, what is name and address? , etc. The same concept of the real world can be applied in programming too so that we can take advantage of natural interaction and representation of objects in the software environment. So basic concept of object in programming is to manipulate the states of the object using methods (what we call behavior in general term) so that we can combine both fields and attributes in a pack and let other possible user (object) use the object without knowing the internal detail of an object through its behaviors. For e.g. we are objects and so are other entities we use and if we use an object say bike, then we don’t care what it consists of and how its constituents are assembled so that we can ride it. The only thing we care for is what can be done to ride it. Here are some noted advantages of using object oriented approach in programming (notice that these points are already discussed in chapter 2):
Modularity: Independent block of code can be written to represent an object. The independent modules can be later combined to perform larger tasks thus simplifying the programming task.
Information Hiding: The objects are used only using its methods without revealing internal details.
Reuse: Once the object is formalized in code we can reuse the same code if it is needed later in our program. This reduces development time due to many factors like no debugging required for reusable code, less coding required, etc.
Pluggability and Debugging Ease: Since objects are implemented independently they can be easily removed and placed in a program so that it will be easier for the programmer to debug the program for possible portion of errors.
As we have discussed in chapter 2, a class is the framework that defines the object. In Java objects are implemented as a class. We are not going to define it more here. However, remember, since we can use different objects for interaction we say a class as user defined data type or programmers defined data type. Since we are going to implement objects using the class we can understand that in the class we define state (now onwards fields or variables) and behaviors (now onwards methods). Here is the simple skeleton of a class definition (this is not the complete syntax for class declaration).
class className {
data-type variable1;
data-type variable2;
…                     //className , variable names and method names are any valid identifirs.
data-type variablen;
data-type method1(zero or more arguments) { … method definition…}
data-type method2(zero or more arguments) { … method definition…}
data-type methodn(zero or more arguments) { … method definition…}
In the above skeleton of class, data-type refers to any type of data like primitives, user defined. In the place of data-type in methods a special word called void can be given to state that the method does not return a value, where as if usual data type (like in variables) is used then the return type of the method is the given type.
class Rectangle {
int length;    //rectangle has two units called length and breadth.
int breadth;    
int getLength() { return length;}
int getBreadth() {return breadth;}
int findArea() {return length*breadth;}
int findPerimeter() {return 2*(length+breadth);}
void print(int x){System.out.println(x);}
Above we defined a class called Rectangle (convention: start with capital letter). We can think that the object rectangle has two properties length and breadth (declared as integer type). Now, the behaviors that are shown by the rectangles are obtaining length, breadth, area and perimeter. These are implemented using methods (convention: start with verb, the following words start with capital letter). The class declaration takes other keywords like public, private, final, abstract, etc and these terms will be defined later.
Creating Objects
The object of the class is created by using the new keyword. To get a usable object we must finish two steps: declaring the object of its type and instantiating the object. The following example shows the creation of an object of type Rectangle.
Rectangle myRectangle;       //declaring the variable of type Rectangle
The consequence of the above step creates the variable that holds reference of the class Rectangle using the name myRectangle. It points nowhere (i.e. null) as shown below:

When we perform the next step then the actual assignment of object reference to the variable is done as shown in above figure (right). We instantiate the object like:
myRectangle = new Rectangle();     //Instantiating an object
The above two steps are equivalently written as
Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle();
Note: Each object of the class has its own copy of the instance variables so changing variable through one object does not affect the variables for the others.
We can create more than one reference for same object such using different name we can manipulate same object. Here is how to do it.
Rectangle myRectangle = new Rectangle();
Rectangle myRectangle1 = new Rectangle();
myRectangle = myRectangle1;
The pictorial representation of above code segment is as below:

Though myRectangle and myRectangle1 reference same object they are not linked to each other so if we assign some other object to one of the name later then it removes the previous link. For e.g. after some lines of code from above if we write
myRectangle = null;
The name myRectangle now does not point to rectangle object.
new: As said earlier new is used for creating an object. The main idea of using main is to create the memory that is required to hold an object of the particular type in run time i.e. to dynamically allocate the memory at the run time.
Using Class Members
When an object of the class is created then the members are accessed using the ‘.’ dot operator as shown below:
myRectangle.length = 5;  //assigning 5 to length of an object referenced by myRectangle.
int l = myRectangle.getLength();  //calling method to get length of an object referenced.
Program 4.1
class Rectangle {
int len;  
int bre;   
public class MainRectClass4_1{
            public static void main(String [] args) {
                        Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle();  //constructor
                        Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle();
                        rect1.len = 5;
rect1.bre = 10;
System.out.println("Areas\nFirst rectangle: "+ rect1.len*rect1.bre);
rect2.len = 4;
rect2.bre = 15;
System.out.println("Second rectangle: " + rect2.len*rect2.bre);
rect1 = rect2;
System.out.println("Now first rectangle: “+ rect1.len*rect1.bre);
} }
First rectangle: 50
Second rectangle: 60
Now first rectangle: 60
We use method in the class to perform some action. Every method definition must have its return type, name and opening and closing parenthesis. See above class Rectangle for method definition. The skeleton for method definition is as given below:
data-type methodName (parameter list) {
statements for method definition;
data-type is return type, parameter list consists of list of variables declared using data type used for passing to the methods definition statements for manipulation. For example if we want user to enter two values stored in x and y variables, and the method that returns their sum, then this method can be written as:
int sum(int x, int y) { return x+y;}
Here our method takes two parameters (arguments) to carry out the operations. The method name along with its parameter list is called the signature of the method.
Getters and Setters
To provide the interface for the user to modify and use the fields (private) within the class we provide methods to get and set the values of attributes rather than allow them to be modified directly. It has got different reasons like validating the data, hiding the read only data, etc. The program below gives an example with get and set methods.
Program 4.2
class Rectangle1 {
private int length;    //rectangle has two units called length and breadth.
private int breadth;    
int getLength() { return length;}
int getBreadth() {return breadth;}
void setBreadth(int b){breadth = b;}
void setLength(int l){length = l;}
int findArea() {return length*breadth;}
int findPerimeter() {return 2*(length+breadth);}
void print(){System.out.println(“Area = “+findArea());}
public class MainRectClass4_2{
            public static void main(String [] args) {
                        int len, bre;
                        Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle();  //constructor
                        Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle();
rect1.setLength ( 5);
rect1.setBreadth( 10);
System.out.println(" Area of first rectangle is " + rect1.findArea());
System.out.println("Perimeter of first rectangle is "                                                                                                                       + rect1.findPerimeter());
rect2.setLength ( 4);
rect2.setBreadth( 15);
System.out.println(" Area of second rectangle is " + rect2.findArea());
System.out.println("Perimeter of second rectangle is "                                                                                                                              + rect2.findPerimeter());
len = rect1.getLength();
bre = rect2.getBreadth();
System.out.println("Now Area is: "+ len*bre);
rect1 = rect2;
System.out.print("Now first rectangle's ");
Area of first rectangle is 50
Perimeter of first rectangle is 30
 Area of second rectangle is 60
Perimeter of second rectangle is 38
Now Area is: 75
Now first rectangle's Area = 60

Note: you can have only one public class within a file. If you put more than one public class it is a compiler error.
Initializing the values of the variables of the class is very time consuming process. Though we have set methods that can be used to assign values to the variables it is tedious too. So to remedy this complexity we can take advantage of constructor for providing values to the instance variables in the class. The constructor initializes the object immediately after its creation and it will be simpler for us if we initialize variables while creating the object. Constructor has same name as of class and looks like a method except that it has no return type. We have already seen the use of the constructor in above programs as Rectangle() [default constructor]. Though we have used the constructor we have not defined it and if we do not define the constructor the default constructor is called automatically. And if we define constructor ourselves then there will be no default constructor so in case of your need of default constructor you have to create by yourselves. Since constructor looks like method we can provide arguments (parameters) to the constructor and mainly parameters are used for providing the values to the variables. The below program is modification of program 4.2 using our constructor.
Program 4.3
class Rectangle2 {
private int length;   
private int breadth;   
void setBreadth(int b){breadth = b;}
void setLength(int l){length = l;}
Rectangle2(){/*default constructor does noting*/}
Rectangle2(int length, int breadth){this.length = length; this.breadth = breadth;}
int findArea() {return length*breadth;}
public class MainRectClass4_3{
            public static void main(String [] args) {
                        Rectangle2 rect1 = new Rectangle2();  //default constructor called
                        Rectangle2 rect2 = new Rectangle2(4,15);
rect1.setLength (5);
System.out.println(" Area of first rectangle is " + rect1.findArea());
System.out.println(" Area of second rectangle is " + rect2.findArea());
} }
Area of first rectangle is 50
Area of second rectangle is 60
this Keyword
You must have notices that in our constructor definition above there is a special symbol called this. The keyword this can be used within any method to represent the current object i.e. this is the reference to the object on which method is getting invoked. For example see this code segment
 void setLength(int l){this.length = l;}
this definition is equivalent to the definition of setLength method above. It tells us that the variable length is of the object calling the method setLength.
Again if you look at the constructor definition above you see the name length as both parameter and instance variable. Though normally in java declaring two variables within the same scope is illegal it is permissible to have same name as parameter of a method and instance variables. This will hide the instance variables so to identify the instance variable we use this keyword as above.
Garbage Collection
We use new keyword to dynamically allocate the memory. Since the memory is created it must be destroyed to free the space if the object is not referencing any memory location. To do this task java takes a smarter approach (letting use relax) that destroys the memory space used by the object whenever object is no longer in use. The process of freeing up memory used by objects that are not used is called garbage collection and this process is automatically done by java. It is not true that whenever the object is not used java runs the garbage collector but the garbage collector is run occasionally. Normally, we do not have to take care about this thing in our programming. If you want to call the garbage collector by youself then you can use the static method gc of the System class as:
Remember, the above request the run of garbage collector. It is not true that it forces the JVM to perform garbage collection.
When we need to perform some actions at the time of object destruction then we can use the special method called finalize to do those actions. For e.g. if you are using some non java resources like file handle in object’s constructor and we want to free the handle before object destruction then we can use this concept. The finalize method is called just before the garbage collection, has no parameter and has return type void. The main issue with finalize is that the garbage collector is not guaranteed to execute at a specified time or it may never execute before a program terminates. So the call of finalize is also not guaranteed. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid finalize method.  The below code segments tells us the definition of finalizer.
protected void finalize()  {         System.out.printf( "object destroyed”);          } 
The access of the finalize method is protected so that code outside the class cannot call this method. (more on access specifiers later) .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
Object’s Life Cycle
We have learnt every basics of object and combining all the details we can summarize the following as the life cycle of an object.
·         Object memory allocation
·         Initialization of  variables
·         Call of constructor (appropriate one)
·         Use of object in program
·         Disassociation of reference to the memory by an object
·         Garbage collection run
·         Calling the object's finalize (if any) method (by garbage collector).
·         Memory freeing by garbage collector.
Using Classes
Characters and Strings
Character is the building block of the java programming. We generally deal with the sequence of characters that when combined gives the meaningful interpretation. String is a sequence of character that is treated as a single unit. Some of the classes that are used to manipulate characters and strings are discussed below. For more details refer to the Java Documentation.
The Character Class
Character class is the wrapper class that wraps the char data type. The object of this class holds a single character value.
Character(char value) : This constructor constructs a newly allocated Character object that represents the specified char value. E.g. Character ch = new Character(‘x’);.
Some Useful Methods
char charValue() :    Returns the primitive char value of this Character object.       
int compareTo(Character anotherCharacter) : Compares two Character objects. The return value is 0 if two objects are numerically same, less than 0 if this  object  is numerically less than anotherCharacter, greater than 0 if numerically greater.    
boolean equals(Object obj) :   Compares this object against the specified object. The return value is true if the object is same as Character object, false otherwise. 
static boolean  isDigit(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is a digit.     
static boolean  isJavaIdentifierPart(char ch) :Determines if the specified character may be part of a Java identifier.           
static boolean  isJavaIdentifierStart(char ch) : Determines if the specified character can be the first character in a Java identifier.       
static boolean  isLetter(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is a letter.   
static boolean  isLetterOrDigit(char ch) :  Finds if the given character is a letter or digit.   
static boolean  isLowerCase(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is a lowercase character.       
static boolean  isSpaceChar(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is a Unicode space character.           
static boolean  isUpperCase(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is an uppercase character.     
static boolean  isWhitespace(char ch) : Determines if the specified character is white space according to Java.     
static char toLowerCase(char ch) : Converts the character argument to lowercase using case mapping information from the UnicodeData file.    
String   toString() :  Returns a String object (length 1) representing this Character's value.  
static char toUpperCase(char ch) :Converts the character argument to uppercase using case mapping information from the UnicodeData file.    
static Character valueOf(char c) : Returns a Character instance representing the specified char value. Similar to using the constructor.
Program 4.4
public class Character4_4 {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
            Character ch1 = new Character('x');
            Character ch2 = new Character('y');
            Character ch3 = new Character('z');
            Character ch4 = new Character(' ');
            Character ch5 = new Character('\t');
            Character ch6 = new Character('B');
            Character ch7 = Character.valueOf('1');
            Character ch8 = Character.valueOf('x');
            int difference  = ch1.compareTo(ch2);
            //comparing two characters
            if(difference == 0)
                        System.out.println(ch1 + " and "+ch2+" are same");
            else if(difference<0)
                        System.out.println(ch1 + " is less than "+ch2);
                        System.out.println(ch1 + " is greater than "+ch2);
            // checking the equality of two objects
            System.out.println(ch1 + " and "+ch8+" are same: "+ch1.equals(ch8));
            //Other methods check
            System.out.println(ch1 + " is digit? "+ Character.isDigit(ch1.charValue()));
            System.out.println(ch3 + " is letter ? "+ Character.isLetter(ch3.charValue()));
System.out.println(ch6 + " is upper case? "+                                                                                                                           Character.isUpperCase(ch6.charValue()));
            System.out.println(ch3 + " is lower case? " +                                                                                                                                      Character.isLowerCase(ch3.charValue()));
            System.out.println(ch4 + " is whitespace? "+                                                                                                                           Character.isWhitespace(ch4.charValue()));
            System.out.println(ch5 + " is space character? "+                                                                                                                               Character.isSpaceChar(ch5.charValue()));
            System.out.println(ch7 + " is letter or digit? "+                                                                                                                                Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch7.charValue()));
 }   }
x is less than y
x and x are same: true
x is digit? false
z is letter ? true
B is upper case? true
z is lower case? true
  is whitespace? true
             is space character? false
1 is letter or digit? true
The String Class
String class is used to manipulate strings whose value will not change. They are represented by sequence of characters within double quotes.
Some Constructors
String() : Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents an empty character sequence.         
String(byte[] bytes) :Constructs a new String by decoding the specified array of bytes using the platform's default charset.           
String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) : Constructs a new String by decoding the specified subarray of bytes using the platform's default charset.           
String(char[] value) : Allocates a new String so that it represents the sequence of characters currently contained in the character array argument. 
String(char[] value, int offset, int count) : Allocates a new String that contains characters from a subarray of the character array argument.       
String(String original) : Initializes a newly created String object as a copy of the argument string. 
Some Useful Methods
char charAt(int index) :  Returns the char value at the specified index . The index value starts from 0 to length()-1.           
int compareTo(String anotherString) : Compares two strings lexicographically. The return value is 0 if the argument string is equal to this string, a value is less than 0 if this string is lexicographically less than the string argument; and a value greater than 0 if this string is lexicographically greater than the string argument.       
 int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) : Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences.           
String   concat(String str) : Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string.        
boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) : Returns true if and only if this String represents the same sequence of characters as the specified StringBuffer.       
static String copyValueOf(char[] data) : Returns a String that represents the character sequence in the array specified.        
static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) : Returns a String that represents the character sequence in the array specified.     
boolean endsWith(String suffix) : Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. boolean equals(Object anObject) : Compares this string to the specified object.           
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) : Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations.           
byte[]  getBytes() : Encodes this String into a sequence of bytes using the platform's default charset, storing the result into a new byte array.   
int indexOf(int ch) : Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character. -1 is returned if no character is found.      
int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) : Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search at the specified index. 
int indexOf(String str) : Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.      
int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) : Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index.      
int lastIndexOf(int ch) : Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character.       
int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) : Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character, searching backward starting at the specified index.         
int lastIndexOf(String str) : Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence of the specified substring.        
int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) : Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, searching backward starting at the specified index.         
int length() : Returns the length of this string.           
String   replace(char oldChar, char newChar) : Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar. 
String   replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) : Replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.           
boolean startsWith(String prefix) :  Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix.        
boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) : Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix beginning a specified index. 
String   substring(int beginIndex) :   Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.  
String   substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) : Returns a new string that is a substring of this string.       
char[]  toCharArray() :  Converts this string to a new character array.         
String   toLowerCase() : Converts all of the characters in this String to lower case using the rules of the default locale. 
String   toUpperCase() : Converts all of the characters in this String to upper case using the rules of the default locale. 
String   trim() : Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
static String valueOf(boolean b) : Returns the string representation of the boolean argument. There are other methods with same name for other primitive types and Object types.
static String valueOf(char[] data) : Returns the string representation of the char array argument.   
static String valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) : Returns the string representation of a specific subarray of the char array argument.  
static String valueOf(Object obj) : Returns the string representation of the Object argument.
Program 4.5
public class String4_5 {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
            String str1 = "Welcome";
            char chArray[] = {'H','o','m','e'};
            String str2 = new String(chArray);
            String str3 = new String("Sanitarium");
            String str4 = new String("welcome");
            int difference = str1.compareTo(str2);
            if(difference == 0)
                        System.out.println(str1 + " and "+str2+" are same");
            else if(difference<0)
                        System.out.println(str1 + " comes before "+str2);
                        System.out.println(str1 + " comes after "+str2);
            if(str1.compareToIgnoreCase(str4) == 0)
                        System.out.println(str1 + " and "+str4+" are same ignoring the case");
            if(str1.compareTo(str4) == 0)
                        System.out.println(str1 + " and "+str4+" are same ");
                        System.out.println(str1 + " and "+str4+" are not same ");
            System.out.println(str1 + ": character at 2 is "+ str1.charAt(2));
            System.out.println(str3 + " ends with ium? "+ str3.endsWith("ium"));
            System.out.println("Index of o at "+ str4 + " is "+ str4.indexOf('o'));
            System.out.println("Substring of "+ str3 +                                                                                                       " begining at index 2 and ending at 7 is " +      str3.substring(2, 7));
            System.out.println(str4 + " with all uppercase is "+str4.toUpperCase());
            System.out.println(str1 + " and "+ str3+ " are equal? "+str1.equals(str3));
            System.out.println(str1.concat(" ".concat(str2.concat(" (".concat (str3.concat(")")                                                                                                                                           )))));
    }    }
Welcome comes after Home
Welcome and welcome are same ignoring the case
Welcome and welcome are not same
Welcome: character at 2 is l
Sanitarium ends with ium? true
Index of o at welcome is 4
Substring of Sanitarium begining at index 2 and ending at 7 is nitar
welcome with all uppercase is WELCOME
Welcome and Sanitarium are equal? false
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
The StringBuffer Class
StringBuffer class is similar to the String class but we can modify the string using this class. This class is safe for using in multithreaded environment.
Some Constructors
StringBuffer() :  Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and an initial capacity of 16 characters.           
StringBuffer(int capacity) : Constructs a string buffer with no characters in it and the specified initial capacity.    
StringBuffer(String str) : Constructs a string buffer initialized to the contents of the specified string.        
Some Useful Methods
StringBuffer append(char c) :  Appends the string representation of the char argument to this sequence. There are methods with same name for other primitive types, Object class type, String type and StringBuffer type.
StringBuffer append(char[] str) : Appends the string representation of the char array argument to this sequence. 
StringBuffer append(char[] str, int offset, int len) : Appends the string representation of a subarray of the char array argument to this sequence.     
int capacity() : Returns the current capacity. The capacity is the amount of storage available for newly inserted characters, beyond which an allocation will occur.
StringBuffer delete(int start, int end) : Removes the characters in a substring of this sequence.        
StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index) : Removes the char at the specified position in this sequence.
StringBuffer     insert(int offset, boolean b) : Inserts the string representation of the boolean argument into this sequence at indicated offset. There are methods with same name for other primitive types, Object class type and String type.    
StringBuffer     insert(int offset, char[] str) : Inserts the string representation of the char array argument into this sequence.        
StringBuffer     insert(int index, char[] str, int offset, int len) : Inserts the string representation of a subarray of the str array argument into this sequence.     
StringBuffer     replace(int start, int end, String str) : Replaces the characters in a substring of this sequence with characters in the specified String.      
void     setCharAt(int index, char ch) : The character at the specified index is set to ch.
void     setLength(int newLength) : Sets the length of the character sequence.          
void     trimToSize() : Attempts to reduce storage used for the character sequence. This is effective is buffer capacity is higher than length of the string.
char charAt(int index), int indexOf(String str) , int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) , int lastIndexOf(String str) , int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) ,  int length() , String substring(int start), String substring(int start, int end) : Similar as of String class
Program 4.6
public class StringBuffer4_6 {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
            StringBuffer str1 = new StringBuffer("Six fert ppp");
            str1.delete(6, str1.length());
            System.out.println("Buffer Capacity = "+ str1.capacity());
            str1.insert(6,"et ");
            System.out.println("Trimmed Buffer Capacity = "+ str1.capacity());
    }   }
Six fert ppp
Buffer Capacity = 28
Six fe
Six feUnder
Six feet Under
Six Feet Under
Trimmed Buffer Capacity = 14
The StringTokenizer Class
StringTokenizer class (from java.util package) allows us to break a string into tokens. This class can be used, for example, in the situation where we have our data separated by commas but we do not need commas in our application.
StringTokenizer(String str) : Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string.   The tokenizer uses the default delimiter set, the space character, the tab character, the newline character, the carriage-return character, and the form-feed character. Delimiter characters themselves will not be treated as tokens. Throws NullPointerException if the String is null. Same for other constructors.
StringTokenizer(String str, String delim) : Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string with the given delimeter set.  
StringTokenizer(String str, String delim, boolean returnDelims) : Constructs a string tokenizer for the specified string. If the returnDelims is true delimiters are treated as tokens and each delimiter is treated as string of length 1.
boolean hasMoreElements() : Returns the same value as the hasMoreTokens method.        
boolean hasMoreTokens() : Tests for tokens availability from this tokenizer's string.
int countTokens() : Calculates the number of times that this tokenizer's nextToken method can be called before it generates an exception. Throws NoSuchElementException if there are no more tokens in this tokenizer's string.  
Object  nextElement() : Returns the same value as the nextToken method, except that its declared return value is Object rather than String. Throws  NoSuchElementException  if there are no more tokens in this tokenizer's string.           
String   nextToken() : Returns the next token from this string tokenizer. Throws NoSuchElementException if there are no more tokens in this tokenizer's string.
String   nextToken(String delim) : Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string. Throws NoSuchElementException if there are no more tokens in this tokenizer's string.
Program 4.7
import java.util.*;
public class StringTokenizer4_7 {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
                String source = "This,is BBIS;II,year      class";
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( source, " ,;", false );
                while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                                String value = st.nextToken();
                                System.out.print( value + " ");
                }   }  }
This is BBIS II year class
The StringBuilder Class
StringBuilder class is very similar to the StringBuffer class with API compatible to StringBuffer class. Use of this class is suggested in the single threaded application where StringBuffer has been used. We will not discuss this class further in this class.

Numbers (see also chapter 3 for wrapper classes)
We can use a number of classes in Java to work with numbers. The following figure shows the classes that can be used to work on with numbers. At the top is the abstract class Number.

We have already seen the wrapper class. Let’s briefly talk about the uses of type wrapper classes. Whenever we need to have an object for primitive type data we can use wrapper classes so that we can take advantage of the capabilities that can be provided by classes like using different methods for converting values to other types like primitive types, Strings, etc and using defined variables like MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE.
The two other classes in the figure BigInteger and BigDecimal (in java.math package) classes provides the capability of defining arbitrary precision numeric values.
Some Common Methods
byte byteValue(), double doubleValue(), float floatValue(), int intValue() , long longValue(), short   shortValue() : These methods convert the values of this object to primitive data types as given by the name.
int compareTo(OBJ (same as of using object) val) : Compares this object with the specified object val of the same type (OBJ is not a keyword for clarification I have put it so as to represent object of the same type).
boolean  equals(Object x) : Compares this object with the specified Object for equality.    
All the wrapper classes have some common fields defined as public static. Some of them are MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE. Usage e.g. Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Conversion of String to Numbers and Vice Versa
Converting string to numeric type is just the matter of using a method of the wrapper classes of that type. For e.g. if we want to convert string to integer then we can use valueOf(String s // argument may be primitive type of the wrapper class being used) or parseInt(String s) methods as
int num = Integer.valueOf(“14”);   or    int num = Integer.parseInt(“14”);
You can extend this concept to any other wrapper classes where in parse method the last words are name of the primitive types like parseDouble, parseByte, etc.
If we want to convert any number to String just use toString method of that class. E.g. Double.toString(“14.43”);   /*argument is value of the same type in primitive form i.e. signature for above method is static String toString(double d) in Double class*/
Program 4.8
public class Numbers4_8 {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
            Double dob1 = new Double("43.656");
            double x = Double.valueOf(dob1);
            double y = Double.parseDouble("34.323");
            System.out.print( Double.toString(x+y));
    }  }
Math Class
Before concluding the chapter let’s briefly see methods ( they are all static) provided by Math class so that we can use them while working with numbers. This class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions.
static double    E : The double value that is closer than any other to e (2.718281828459045), the base of the natural logarithms.     
static double    PI : The double value that is closer than any other to pi (3.141592653589793), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Some Instance Methods (All Static Methods)
double abs(double a) , float abs(float a) , int abs(int a) , long abs(long a) : Each method returns the absolute value of a given argument value.         
double acos(double a) : For arc cosine of an angle, in the range of 0.0 to pi.           
double asin(double a) : For arc sine of an angle, in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2.          
double atan(double a) : For arc tangent of an angle, in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2.    
double atan2(double y, double x) : Converts rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar (r, q).
double cbrt(double a) : Returns the cube root of a double value.     
double ceil(double a) : Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
double cos(double a), double  tan(double a) , double sin(double a) : Returns trigonometric cosine, tangent and sine of the angle given respectively.
double cosh(double x), double sinh(double x),  double tanh(double x) : Returns the hyperbolic cosine, sine and tangent of a double value respectively.         
double exp(double a) : Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value.     
double floor(double a) : Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.      
double log(double a) : Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value.     
double log10(double a) : Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value. 
double max(double a, double b),  float max(float a, float b) , int max(int a, int b), long max(long a, long b)   :    Returns the greater of two values.     
double min(double a, double b),  float min(float a, float b) , int min(int a, int b), long min(long a, long b)   :    Returns the smaller of two values.      
double pow(double a, double b) : Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.       
double random() : Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.       
double rint(double a) : Returns the double value that is closest in value to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer. 
long  round(double a), int round(float a) :Returns the closest long or closest int to the argument.   
double sqrt(double a) : Returns correctly rounded positive square root of a double value.  
double toDegrees(double angrad) : Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.  
double toRadians(double angdeg) : Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.  
1.      Do the exercises from the tutorial Classes and Objects section and Number and String section.
2.      Write a program to find number of people, the number of people with height greater than 150 cm and weight 50 kg and the number of people with other height and weight combinations. Store height and weight of some people say 20.
3.      Create a class called “Box” with fields width, height and depth and methods to find volume and surface area. Use suitable constructors. Implement the class to find volume and surface area of two boxes.
4.      Write a program to add two distances, where each distance contains feet and inches as the fields. Also compare the distances. (use class)
5.      Write a program that calculates percentage and GPA of 12 students. Each of the student has following attributes: name, class, rollnum, marks obtained in 5 subjects.
6.      Create a class called “Time” with three attributes hours, minutes, and seconds. Use appropriate constructor and display the time in hh:mm:ss format. Modify the class to ass two time object that correctly results in addition of time.
7.      Write a program to compare two number objects and print the result based on their difference.
8.      Write a program to do the following:
a.       Find the sum and average of 10 numbers stored.
b.      Find the minimum and maximum among them.
c.       Sorts the elements in ascending and descending orders.
d.      Adds the two matrices.
e.       Calculate the percentage obtained by student. Assumption can be 7 subjects with 100 full marks. Print the division obtained.
f.       Calculates the factorial of a number
g.      Search an element from an array using sequential and binary search.
9.      Write a program that does the following:
a.       Converts a letter from a lowercase to uppercase.
b.      Converts the string of uppercase to string of lowercase
c.       Finds substring of “Reminder” from index 2 with length 5.
d.      Finds a character at position 5 in above string.
e.       Appends an integer at the end of the string.
10.  Write a program to identify the string as palindrome or not.
11.(Airline Reservations System) A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservations system. You have been asked to develop the new system. You are to write an application to assign seats on each flight of the airline's only plane (capacity: 10 seats).Your application should display the following alternatives: Please type 1 for First Class and Please type 2 for Economy. If the user types 1, your application should assign a seat in the first-class section (seats 15). If the user types 2, your application should assign a seat in the economy section (seats 610). Your application should then display a boarding pass indicating the person's seat number and whether it is in the first-class or economy section of the plane. Use a one-dimensional array of primitive type boolean to represent the seating chart of the plane. Initialize all the elements of the array to false to indicate that all the seats are empty. As each seat is assigned, set the corresponding elements of the array to true to indicate that the seat is no longer available. Your application should never assign a seat that has already been assigned. When the economy section is full, your application should ask the person if it is acceptable to be placed in the first-class section (and vice versa). If yes, make the appropriate seat assignment. If no, display the message "Next flight leaves in 3 hours."
12.  (Total Sales) Use a two-dimensional array to solve the following problem: A company has four salespeople (1 to 4) who sell five different products (1 to 5). Once a day, each salesperson passes in a slip for each type of product sold. Each slip contains the following:
a.       The salesperson number
b.      The product number
c.       The total dollar value of that product sold that day
Thus, each salesperson passes in between 0 and 5 sales slips per day. Assume that the information from all the slips for last month is available. Write an application that will read all this information for last month's sales and summarize the total sales by salesperson and by product. All totals should be stored in the two-dimensional array sales. After processing all the information for last month, display the results in tabular format, with each column representing a particular salesperson and each row representing a particular product. Cross-total each row to get the total sales of each product for last month. Cross-total each column to get the total sales by salesperson for last month. Your tabular output should include these cross-totals to the right of the totaled rows and to the bottom of the totaled columns.
13.  What is the purpose of keyword new? Explain what happens when this keyword is used in an application.
14.  What is a default constructor? How are an object's instance variables initialized if a class has only a default constructor?
15.  Explain the purpose of an instance variable.
16.  Most classes need to be imported before they can be used in an application. Why is every application allowed to use classes System and String without first importing them?
17.  Explain why a class might provide a set method and a get method for an instance variable.
18.  Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces of information as instance variables a part number (type String), a part description (type String), a quantity of the item being purchased (type int) and a price per item (double). Your class should have a constructor that initializes the four instance variables. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. In addition, provide a method named getInvoiceAmount that calculates the invoice amount (i.e., multiplies the quantity by the price per item), then returns the amount as a double value. If the quantity is not positive, it should be set to 0. If the price per item is not positive, it should be set to 0.0. Write a test application named InvoiceTest that demonstrates class Invoice's capabilities.
19.  Create a class called Employee that includes three pieces of information as instance variables a first name (type String), a last name (type String) and a monthly salary (double). Your class should have a constructor that initializes the three instance variables. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. If the monthly salary is not positive, set it to 0.0. Write a test application named EmployeeTest that demonstrates class Employee's capabilities. Create two Employee objects and display each object's yearly salary. Then give each Employee a 10% raise and display each Employee's yearly salary again.
20.  Create a class called Date that includes three pieces of information as instance variables a month (type int), a day (type int) and a year (type int). Your class should have a constructor that initializes the three instance variables and assumes that the values provided are correct. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. Provide a method displayDate that displays the month, day and year separated by forward slashes (/). Write a test application named DateTest that demonstrates class Date's capabilities.